
Monday, March 30, 2020

1373. Estonian Baked Salmon

I learned this dish through the account of an Estonian public figure on social media, and was as intrigued as I was hesitant to apply the recipe. You see, it is a multiple stage, multiple layer kind of dish. Another thing, Arabs don't have the same natural affinity to sour cream and mayonnaise as Russia and former USSR countries do.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Compilation Chocolate Cakes

MCW holds a fair collection of chocolate cakes that serve multiple intentions from the elaborate dinner-party-worthy to a quick homey cake; from dense and decadent to light and fluffy. Here is a chocolate cake compilation post worth archiving for future reference.

Monday, March 23, 2020

1371. Croissant French Toast

Always a hit weekend breakfast, I find myself buying supermarket croissant for the sole purpose of getting them stale for the weekend! No joke, stale overnight croissants are a must for this recipe. Fresh croissant will just render all your efforts into a pushy mess.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Best of MCW (101-200)

Welcome to the second installment of the Best of MCW (see part 1). This time we are covering tried and true recipes that stand out as the best of the best from the second hundred recipes posted. These are recipes made and requested time and time again.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

1369. Victoria Sponge Cake

Victoria cake is basically a sponge cake sandwiched with berry jam and whipped cream. This is exactly that. The sponge cake is airy and so light, using only three ingredients to which I also added vanilla.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

1368. Manicotti Pasta Bake

I think it is now official that we prefer pasta bakes to regular pasta here at MCW. There is something that is so homey and warming about a casserole. Load the casserole with carbs and cheese, and you've got yourself a hard-to-beat comfort dish.

Monday, March 9, 2020

1367. Digestive Biscuit Bake

This is the definition of a pantry dessert. At literally two ingredients, the optional but not so optional chocolate topping makes for the third pantry ingredient. So what are those two magical ingredients that make for this indulgent dessert?

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Best of MCW (001-100)

Debuting a new series at MCW, dubbed Best Of, I will be selecting the best of the best recipes from every 100 posts which I find myself making over and over, or have specific requests to remake. This series kicks off with favorites from the first 100 posts, almost a decade ago, so understandably the pictures may not be the best the the recipes hold true.

Monday, March 2, 2020

1365. Egg Burrito

The concept of a breakfast egg burrito was created for on-the-go people who usually skip the first meal of the day. Efficiency at its best, it is recommended to make these in batches and freeze the lot.