
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

1790. Sourdough Foccacia

I hope most of my readers are either sourdough enthusiasts or looking for a sign to start their sourdough journey, because the next few weeks are excusive sourdough content. Today's feature is the famous focaccia studded in cherry tomatoes. 
What makes focaccia so good is the exuberant amount of olive oil used in making it, so do not skimp. I topped it with cherry tomatoes and confit garlic before baking.


300g flour
225g water
60g levain
6g salt
9g olive oil (optional)

Cherry tomato
Fresh sage leaves
Garlic confit


To make garlic confit: Peel a bowl of garlic, submerge in olive oil in a ceramic dish and bake at 400F for 20-25min

First proof:
Mix flour, levain and water and let it sit for 30min.
Add salt and olive oil.
Knead by hand or machine until the dough is nice and elastic.
Do a coil fold every 30min for the next 2 hours.
Overnight cold fermentation in the refrigerator.

Second proof:
The next day, tip the dough out onto well-oiled baking dish.
Proof until (almost) double.
Preheat oven at 470F.
Dimple, add desired toppings.
Bake for ~ 20-25 min.

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