Monday, September 23, 2024

1825. Palestinian Purslane Appetizer

Purslane is dismissed as a weed since it so resiliently grows between crop and even between bricks. This "weed" which we are being prompted to discard is one of the most nutrient dense and medicinal foods you can find. This Palestinian purslane appetizer is accidentally vegan, and so full of the ingredients abundant to the land: tons of olive oil, onion, garlic, lemon, and chili. It is meant to be served warm or cold and scooped with bread, but I honestly like it best hot with some rice, stew style.


2 small onions
1 head of garlic
1 large tomato
a heaping bunch of purslane (1kg before picking the stems)
extra virgin olive oil
3 chilis (optional)
salt & pepper
1 tsp coriander powder
1 lemon


Finely chop onion, garlic and tomatoes. Pick the leaves of the purslane and leave some of the finer stems. Drizzle a good amount of olive oil in a pan and fry the garlic, chili and onions till the aroma fills the kitchen. Add the purslane and cook it on high till wilted. Add the tomatoes, drop the heat to medium cover and let it cook till the tomatoes have softened. Season with salt, pepper and coriander powder. Drizzle more olive oil if you want more sauce to dip in. Finish it with a squeeze of lemon and serve.

صحة و عافية

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