Sunday, May 12, 2024

1791.Sourdough Pizza Bread Sandwich

Admittedly a trendy recipe gone viral on social media, it certainly was worth a go, using up excess starter I had left. The idea is that you bake a folded pizza crust which you can easily open and stuff with whatever sandwich filling you like. 
It worked. Best results if you have a pizza oven (even the portable kind) that can go up to 500 degrees Celsius.

Ingredients: (makes 6)

520g flour 
100g levain (OR 2g instant yeast)
325g water
10g Salt


Mix water, salt, levain and flour together until no dry flour bits remain.
Rest the dough for 30 min.
Do 3 sets Coil fold, with 30 min rest in-between each set.
Divide into 6 equal portions and shape into tight balls.
Cold proof in the fridge for 12- 48 hours
Proof until double.
Tip the dough out onto well-floured surface.
Roll the dough out into a flat disc, drizzle some olive oil and fold the dough in half
Optional: place cheese in the middle of the circular dough before folding it in half
Bake in a preheated oven at highest temperature for 3-5 min (might need more depending on oven).
Remove from oven, pry open the bread and add your favorite sandwich fillings.

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