Sunday, September 8, 2013

457. Pressed Salami Pesto Sandwich

For a sandwich lover, pressed sandwiches just take matters to the other level.

There are those kinds of sandwiches that have to be consumed just as soon as they are made because they just taste different (in a bad way) if consumption is delayed.
Pressed sandwiches develop their flavors in the fridge and actually the delay makes them taste better.
How wonderful it is to just know there's a delicious sandwich waiting for you back home!
The pictures show I used lettuce in the sandwich, but I made this again replacing it with cornichons and it was the best. I also went DIY by making the crusty artisan bread recipe, and homemade basil pesto.


1 bread boule
2 Tbsp basil pesto
mozzarella cheese
tobasco hotsauce


Cut the bread boule in hald horizontally and scoop out a little of the insides.
Spread a tablespoon of pesto on the inside bottom, and another on the inside top.
Layer the following, starting at the bottom:
mozzarella, salami, tobasco, cornichons, mozzarella, salami, and a final dash of tobasco.
Replace the top over the sandwich, and seal tightly using plastic food wrap.
Place in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours or overnight, weighed down with something heavy on top.
Cut into quarters to serve.

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