Sunday, March 31, 2019

1230. Mulberry Gummy Bears

Mulberry season is upon us and here we are with an innovative use for them. Technically not gummy bears, but yes, these are gummy candies made from mulberries. The recipe can be adapted to use any berry or indeed fruit instead. Chocolate silicone molds are perfect for this too, and I've got a variety gifted to me by one of my favorite people ever created.
They come very reasonably priced nowadays and take up little storage place, so if you're on the fence to get a set, just go for it.


1 cup mulberries (fresh or frozen and defrosted )
⅓ cup water
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
2 Tbsp honey
4 tsp unflavored gelatin


Puree the fruit in a blender until smooth. Filter through a sieve to remove any fibrous bits.
Combine all ingredients except gelatin in a small saucepan over medium-low heat. Stir with a whisk until it comes to a simmer.
Meanwhile, bloom the gelatine in two tablespoons of water. Once set, microwave it until liquidized.
When when the mixture comes to a simmer,  whisk the liquid gelatin stirring constantly.
Continue heating over medium-low heat until it comes to a simmer and all ingredients are well combined and gelatin is completely incorporated.
Place silicone mold on a tray to make it easier to move without spilling once filled. Pour mixture into silicone mold and place in the fridge for a minimum of 6 hours. Any air bubbles that appear just pop with a toothpick.
Pop gummies out of mold and store in an airtight container in the fridge. They will keep in the refrigerator for a few weeks.

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