Tuesday, August 2, 2022

1686. Cheese Stuffed Hashbrown

This cheese stuffed hashbrown potatoes served with gravy are so cozy and must be the ultimate comfort dish. 
Patience is key to get the correct combination of crispy crust, cooked through fluffu interior, and oozy cheese stuffing.


3 large potatoes
salt and pepper
1 ½ cups shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheese
gravy, to serve


Peel then grate the potatoes, squeeze out excess liquid, then place in bowl. 
Add a tablespoon of melted butter, salt and pepper then toss. 
Melt another teaspoon of butter with a teaspoon of oil in a  non-stick pan medium low heat. 
Place half the potato in pan, lightly pat down to even surface. Add the shredded cheddar and mozzarella cheese, leaving an inch rim. Top with the remaining potato, patting down again to even surface
Cook first side: Cook 8-12 minutes until underside is very golden and crispy, lifting edge with rubber spatula to check. If by 8 minutes it is not going golden, increase heat.
Flip: Cover pan with a round wooden board with a handle and flip quickly.
Melt another teaspoon of butter and oil in the pan, then slide the potato back in and cook for another 8-12 minutes until golden crispy.
Slide onto serving plate, and serve immediately with gravy sauce.

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