Sunday, July 12, 2020

1416. Retro Custard Jelly Trifle

There is an Arabic term used to describe retro dishes that roughly translates into "from the good old days." This combination of custard and jelly with banana slices is one such dish. I think it comes from the 70's when everything jelly and trifle was having its glory moment.
So, put simply, everything comes from a packet except for the banana. Powdered custard from a can is dissolved in milk and brought to a boil until thick. Pour in your serving dish, cover with plastic to prevent a skin from forming, and allow to cool and set. Slice bananas and put over the custard. Prepare a packet of jelly (red is traditional), and pour over the bananas. Allow to set in the refrigerator (no need to cover). For a polished look, I like to reserve some of the jelly and pour it over the set banana-jelly to create an even surface. Set fully by chilling overnight in the fridge.

صحة و عافية

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