Monday, June 19, 2023

1741. Cheese and Zaatar Puff Scrolls

Baking puff pastry scrolls in cupcake tins forces the pastry to condense instead of puff during baking, resulting in an ultra-crispy finish. These breakfast/brunch/afternoon tea/suhour pastries use my home made puff pastry, but store bought would yield similar results at a much faster rate. 
Half of the batch I stuffed with emmentale cheese slices, and the other, I added zaatar to the cheese before rolling up. Both were magnificent dunked in Palestinian shatta.


1 sheet puff pastry
slices emmentale cheese 
zaatar, optional
shatta, to serve


Lay the puff pastry sheet flat on the counter, and cut into 5cm wide strips starting from the long edge to the long edge to yield shot strips.
Place slices of emmentale over each strip, trimming  the width if necessary. Sprinkle with zaatar if using.
Roll up the strips and place each one in a cupcake mold, pressing gently down to flatten a bit.
Bake for 25 to 30 minutes in a preheated 420F oven. Serve warm of cooled, with a mandatory side of shatta.

صحة و عافية

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