Monday, June 10, 2024

1798. Cinnamon Swirl Sourdough

The sourdough chronicles continue with a sweet cinnamon swirl boule. 
The only added ingredients to flour, water, and salt are cinnamon and sugar. Since cinnamon is an anti-fungal, and yeast is a fungus (digest this for a moment), we cannot mix the cinnamon at the get-go and it needs to be added at the shaping phase to keep the yeast alive.


383g flour #1
105g flour #3
380g water
120g peak active starter
2 tsp salt
2 Tbsp cinnamon powder
1/4 cup sugar


Autolyse: up to the day before and at least three hours ahead, combine the flours and water in a heavy ceramic bowl and set aside covered.
Depending on when your starter hits peak, add the peak active starter and knead using wet hands. Rest 30 minutes, covered.
Add the salt, knead using wet hands. Rest 30 minutes, covered.
Perform one set of stretch and fold. Rest 45 minutes, covered.
Perform two sets of coil fold, 30 minutes apart. Rest covered 30 minutes after the final fold.
Final shape: flour your counter surface and scoop out the dough. Mix the cinnamon and sgar together. Spread the dough into a large square and sprinkle with some of the cinnamon sugar. Then fold in the left and right sides to the middle and sprinkle the remaining cinnamon sugar. Roll the resulting long rectangle into a boule.
Place the boule, seam side up, into a generously floured proofing basket. Let rest 10 minutes before pinching the seam to create a bigger surface tension. 
Cover the basket with a disposable plastic shower cap or put the whole basket in a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight.
Bake: preheat oven to 500F and place your cast iron or dutch oven pot to heat for 1 hour. 
Gently flip the boule onto a sheet of baking paper, and score it with a razor.
Put the bread in the preheated pot, add two cubes of ice in the space between the side of the pot and the flap of the baking paper. 
Quickly cover the pot to seal in the steam and return to the oven for about 23 minutes.
After 23 minutes, uncover the pot and reduce temperature to 420F. Bake for another 23 minutes.
When done baking, flip out onto a wire rack and allow to cool for 2 hours before slicing into it.

صحة و عافية


Anonymous said...

Just curious to clarify, when I mix the ingredients, I’m using 384.5g of flour? Or what is the 1.5g of separate listed flour for?

Maryam said...

Thanks for catching and writing to me. It's a typo, it's meant to be 105g not 1.5g. I'll fix it momentarily.

Anonymous said...

Okay! Thanks, but why the 2 different amounts? So am I using 487 when I mix? Or am I supposed to be doing something different with each amount of flour?

Maryam said...

You would be using the 383g plus 105g together because each flour lends a characteristic to the bread. If 100% white flour, it won't be strong enough, if 100% whole flour, it will be too tough.