Tuesday, October 15, 2024

1832. Chocolate Sourdough Boule

Experimenting further with my sourdough, this chocolate sourdough boule was bound to happen. As happy as I was, I wasn't sure hot to use it up.

Sunday, October 13, 2024

1831. Warm Mortadella and Olive Buns

The essence of this sandwich is that it is quick, easy, accessible, and delicious.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

1830. Chili Garlic Oil

For the past couple of years, chili garlic oil has been the "it" condiment. Simple to make, packs a punch of flavor, and can enhance just about any savory dish.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

1829. Khfeefi Kleicha

Khfeefi is just Kleicha without the filling, shaped into disks and dunked into tea. It might havebeen created out of the necessity to use up extra dough when making kheicha, but it is so beloved that sometimes we make it just to make it. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2024

1828. Chicken Mushroom Dill Soup

We served this soup on repeat during Ramadan. The convenience of packaged soup, elevated with the additions of fresh ingredients. 

Tuesday, October 1, 2024

1827. Rice Paper Cheese Croissant

I intentionally skip most "trends" on social media but food-related trends catch my attention. So far, a few have been great hots, and others, great flops. This is one of the more unexpected ones, a croissant made from rice paper. I opted for a savory cheese version, and might try the sweet counterpart at some point.

Thursday, September 26, 2024

1826. Zaatar and Cheese Saj Parcels

This is a quick yet delicious savory breakfast pastry that is done in minutes. Zaatar and cheese is a classic flavor combination which you cannot go wrong with.

Monday, September 23, 2024

1825. Palestinian Purslane Appetizer

Purslane is dismissed as a weed since it so resiliently grows between crop and even between bricks. This "weed" which we are being prompted to discard is one of the most nutrient dense and medicinal foods you can find.

Sunday, September 22, 2024

1824. Freekeh Casserole

Freekeh is an ancient Mesopotamian grain that has made it to our modern-day superfood lists. It is simply a wheat grain, but the following makes all the difference: it is harvested while still green, and it is smoked.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

1823. Seaweed Roasted Cashew

A salty and sweet snack that tastes delicious. Seaweed is not only rich in iron, but it interestingly also helps to stabilize female hormones.