Wednesday, May 30, 2012

69. Apple Tea

Another creation I picked up in Turkey: Apple Tea!!
It was such a common yet exotic concoction! When I heard it offered to me, I was surprised and skeptical about it. Then once I had my first sip, I was thinking: Where have you been all my life??
Luckily, they sell all over Istanbul various brands and forms of apple tea (and pomegranate tea...).
I came across this recipe for home-made apple tea on this site, and although I found it satisfying, there is nothing like the original. This tea is as good hot as it is iced.


4 tea bags
3 cups boiling water
1/3 cup sugar
3 cups pure apple juice


Let the tea bags brew a while in the boiled water.
Stir in the sugar until dissolved.
Pour in the apple juice, and discard the tea bags.
Re-heat and serve as tea, or chill and serve as apple iced tea.

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