Thursday, June 10, 2021

1553. Scrambled Eggs and Potato

Many cuisines use cooked potato in a breakfast egg recipe, but the simple profile of this version using plenty of olive oil is Palestinian. Simple and succulent, this is a soft egg scramble loaded with flavor.
Serve immediately with warm bread and steaming cup of tea for a breakfast adults and kid alike will love.


olive oil
1 small onion, diced
2 small potatoes, diced
4 eggs
salt & pepper
chili flakes (optional)


Saute the chopped onion and diced potato in a generous amount of olive oil for about 10 minutes until starting to brown and cooked through.
Season with salt, pepper and chili flakes (if using) generously.
Whisk the eggs in a bowl and pour them over the cooked potatoes over medium-low heat and scramble lightly until soft but cooked through.
Serve immediately with bread and tea.

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Anonymous said...

This is one of my son's favourite foods. I peel and chop the potato into tiny cubes, about 5mm, fry in a light olive oil or sunflower oil with chilli flakes, cumin, paprika, salt and crushed black pepper. When the potatoes are a lovely golden colour, I crack the eggs over the potatoes and turn them slowly so they coat all the potatoes, so they scramble, but also go a little crispy in places in the hot oil. I never thought to put onion or sumac! Your version looks delicious!

Maryam said...

Thank you for all your comments, um really enjoying that someone besides me reads my blog! Thanks for your time in conveying your thoughts back to me. Your way is what childhood is based off.