Tuesday, October 22, 2019

1309. Rustic Mutabbal

One of the many reasons food of the Levant is my absolute favorite is their amazing use of fresh, vibrant vegetables. Mutabbal is not new to MCW, but this is a rustic twist on it, using unpeeled aubergines hacked up and roasted.
The sour element form lemon and pomegranate is ever-present, and fresh herbs with plenty of olive oil bring the appetizer together.

1 kg aubergines
1 whole head garlic
1/2 cup olive oil, plus extra
2 lemons, juice
1 large chilli, seeded and finely chopped
1 1/2 cups chopped parsley
1/2 cup pomegranate arils
2 tsp sugar
pomegranate molasses, to serve.

Cut the aubergines into bite-sized chunks and put them into a rimmed baking tray with the unpeeled garlic cloves.
Season with salt, pepper, and olive oil, then bake in a preheated 450F oven for about 40 minutes.
Put the baked aubergines in a bowl, and gently mix through the lemon juice.
Allow to cool slightly before adding the chopped chili, parsley, and pomegranate seeds.
Taste to adjust seasoning, add the sugar and olive oil.
Best served the next day with pomegranate molasses drizzled over.

صحة و عافية

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