Wednesday, October 30, 2019

1313. Kimchi

Gut health is very important and often taken for granted until a reason arises to start paying attention. Probiotic nutrition is the most natural way to reboot the system and restore equilibrium. This is where fermented foods come in.
Kimchi is a pungent fermented Korean cabbage pickle, packing huge flavors like chili, garlic, and ginger that are great for the body.


1 cabbage

For the kimchi paste:
1 medium onion
6 large chillies, de-seed for a mild spice
6 cloves of garlic
1 inch ginger, peeled and slices

For the brine:
5 Tbsp salt
2 litres water


Dissolve the salt in the water.
Chop the cabbage into 1-inch square pieces.
Place the cabbage in the water and use a plate to insure it is submerged. Leave for 8 hours or overnight.
Place all of the kimchi paste ingredients into a food processor and blend until smooth.
Drain the cabbage and then coat with the paste.
Pack tightly into jars, add some filtered water to just cover, and leave somewhere room temperature to ferment for 4-8 days.
Open the kimchi lids daily to ‘burp’ the jars and let gases escape. Taste after 4 days and once the required taste is achieved then move to the fridge.
The longer the kimchi ferments the more beneficial gut bacteria they will contain.

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