Tuesday, January 21, 2020

1349. Sauerkraut

Sauerkraut is the German famous cabbage pickle, filled with probiotics to help set your GI system straight. All it is is cabbage and salt. I used purple cabbage for the added visual component, but white/green cabbage is more common and uses the exact same method.
Be sure to knead your cabbage and salt really well. This will reduce the volume of the cut vegetable and really immerse the salt in there. The fermentation process produces gases that build up in the air-tight jar, so be sure to "burp" your jar once a day during the fermentation process. Delicious accompanied by meat, but also in a salad or a sandwich for that sour pickle punch.


1 cabbage
1 Tbsp salt


Add shredded cabbage and salt to a large bowl. “Knead” the cabbage until its juices are released.
Place cabbage and liquid into a wide mouth canning jar or fermenting vessel. Use your fist to pack in the cabbage tightly into the jar and allow its brine to cover the cabbage.
Use reserved cabbage leaf to cover the cabbage and keep it submerged in its brine.
Close the jar and allow to ferment for 3 days or longer- less if your kitchen is warm, more if cold. "Burp" the jar once a day. Store in the refrigerator.
If the cabbage does not produce enough liquid to cover, you can make your own brine with 1 cup water and 1 tsp salt.

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