Thursday, January 23, 2020

1350. Ananas with Minted Sugar

Here comes what may possibly be one of the easiest desserts in the world. Freshly sliced ananas (pineapple) is sprinkled with a mint sugar concoction immediately upon serving, and yields a result way beyond the sum of its parts.
It is very important to assemble the dessert just before serving. The longer it sits, the sugar will draw moisture out of the fruit, effectively macerating it. Still good, but not what we're opting for here: fresh and crisp. You can peel and slice the fruit in advance.


1 ananas
1/4 cup sugar
10-15 mint leaves


Peel the ananas and slice as desired.
Immediately before serving, blitz the sugar and mint together (or pound using a mortar and pestle).
Sprinkle the mint sugar over the sliced ananas just before serving.
It is very important to assemble the dessert just before serving. You can peel and slice the fruit in advance.

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