Sunday, February 9, 2020

1357. Mini Pancakes

It's a fact of life that everything mini tastes better than normal sized counterparts. These mini pancakes use the same batter for my hotcakes published almost eight years ago (where does time fly?!).
Serve warm or cold, with toppings of your choice. Pictures above is pistachio paste, peanut butter, and nutella.


3/4 cup flour
2 Tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp vanilla
1 large egg
1/3 cup milk


Mix all the ingredients in a bowl with a wooden spoon until just incorporated. Mixture will be lumpy.
Heat a non-stick pan on medium heat.
Pour batter into circles as small as you like (using a clean squeezy bottle makes it easier).
When bubbles will appear on the surface, it is time to turn over.
Leave for just a minute to color the flipped side.
Remove on a plate.
Serve with the topping of your choice (jam, sugar, honey, peanut butter, nutella...).

صحة و عافية


Anonymous said...

Salam alaykoum my dear sister. Can you please tell me what the different sauces are on the pancakes? They look delicious mashaAllah. JazakAllah Khair ~

~ Umm AbdAlrahman ~

Maryam said...

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله
Welcome back sister.
In the picture I used nutella, lotus spread, and pistachio spread.
To make it pourable, I microwaved them for a couple of seconds before pouring. Enjoy!