Sunday, June 14, 2020

1404. Brain Food: Soaked Almonds

It is a fact of life that as one matures (mentally before physically), so does their perspective in life. Food is especially relevant to changed perspectives as one matures. You see, there comes a time when some people are forced to change their diet due to health concerns. Other people may have observed health debacles in third parties and decided to lean from others' experience. Degenerative brain conditions are poignantly terrifying if you have ever witnessed it first hand. The duaa "اللهم احفظ لي عقلي و ديني" suddenly appears so wise and knowing that you cannot help but desperately supplicate it on the daily.
But in the mercy of our creator, there are things we can do to help ward off these conditions, even if we might be predisposed to them either by lifestyle of genetics. It is a cliche for a reason that diet and exercise are the (non-pharmaceutically funded) doctor's orders. I'm not sure if I want to turn this into a mini-series just yet (brain health, digestive health, etc) , but here is a fantastic way to incorporate subtle life-changing, health-boosting incremental change to one's lifestyle. Here is the not-so-secret key: doing this for a day or a week is fundamentally futile. Consistency is the crucial factor. Eleven or so of these soaked and peeled raw almonds every day is what will show results over the years.

Making a jarful that will sustain you for a week to 10 days is the ideal prep. Make sure to change the water every day or two days. So while raw almonds have a phenomenal health impact on the brain, digestion, and body in general (such as diabetes management), it comes with a natural barrier that blocks the absorption of its nutrients in the body. This barrier is know as tannin. Tannins are the bitter elements found in the peel of almonds and some other foods. These are easily removed in a simple two-step process: first, soak the nuts overnight (you will notice the water turns brown); next, peel the nuts. Peeling becomes infinitely easier if you boil them for one minute.

Fully submerge raw almonds in potable water overnight. Next day, briefly boil them for just one minute. Drain and squeeze the almonds one by one between your thumb and index and they should squeeze right out of their peels. Return to a clean jar and submerge in new potable water. Store refrigerated and change the water every day to two days.

صحة و عافية

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