Sunday, December 27, 2020

1489. Kefir Smoothie

I've been intermittently been going on for a while how on health and the importance of maintaining it. The pharmaceutical business thrives off unhealthiness, creating pills and shots to cure all sorts of dietary- and lifestyle-related ailments. The not-so-secret secret is consistency. Let us together reform our mindset and redefine diets from a two-week deprivation regimen to an entirely new lifestyle based on continuity of awareness and conscious decisions.
Finally, the probiotic wonder that is kefir is available locally, prompting many of us to be inspired to start our days on the right foot. This smoothie is a suggestion to do just that. If you are prepared with your frozen fruit and refrigerated weekly stash of Greek yogurt and kefir, you are good to prepare these fresh every morning (or at least weekday mornings).


1 Tbsp chia seeds
1 Tbsp sunflower seeds
1 Tbsp honey
1/3 cup Greek yogurt
1/2 cup (full) frozen berries
1/2 banana
1 Tbsp prune puree
1 cup kefir


Prepare just before consumption: Put all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth.

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