Monday, February 15, 2021

1510. Single Serve Cheese Plate

Cooking for family and loved ones is one of the greatest joys I have known. However, sometimes it is necessary to feel you care for yourself as much as others. This single-serve cheese plate can of course be doubled for a pair, or multiplied on a board for a crowd, but I decided to post it in single-serve form as a reminder to slow down in this fast-paced world and take a moment to re-center.
The contents of the plate are really and truly subjective to the consumer. 
General guideline: two kinds of your favorite cheese, some meat (salami, basturma, sujuk, etc), crunchy nuts (pistachio, cashew, almonds...), fresh fruit (berries or other), a dip (honeycomb in this case, jam or relish would also work), and a vehicle to carry it all (bread, crackers...). Olives or pickles would not go amiss here either.

Cheese: all types (hard, soft, crumbly) and cut into different shapes (wedges, cubes, slices). 
Charcuterie: all types, different shapes and textures and flavors (salami, basturma, sujuk). Place them on, fold them up and stick a toothpick through or simply fold them in half. 
Fruit: dried and/or fresh, use what’s in season. Berries and mandarin oranges are my go-to’s for cheese plates. 
Crackers or bread: or both. Again, different shapes, colors and textures. A sliced baguette can do the trick too if you don’t have time to pick up crackers.
Nuts: almonds, candied walnuts, almonds. Chilli salted pistachios are pretty fantastic too.
Pickled things: anything that will give you that great sweet and sour note to help balance the saltiness and creaminess from the cheese and charcuterie.
Jams or preserves for something sweet: In this case I used honeycomb. You can either spread some directly on the board itself or have them in a little dish.
Olives: get an assortment of green and black.

صحة و عافية

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