Tuesday, February 18, 2014

573. Almond Milk

Store-bought almond milk tastes like sweetened regular cow's milk with artificial almond essence added to it.
It's a whole other experience making and tasting your own.

All I used was almonds and water. Some people add sugar, others add flavorings (like rosewater), but I opted to make mine as pure as possible so I may use it as I please.
My favorite way is to heat a cup's worth of almond milk and stir in a teaspoon of nescafé with my breakfast.
Do not throw away the leftover almond powder. You can spread it in a tray to dry out and use as you would regular store-bought almond meal; or you could use it up as it is (damp) in oatmeal, or smoothies, or in pancake batter...
As for the almond milk, you can drink it cold or warm, and use it as you would regular milk: over cornflakes or in cake batter...


1 cup raw almonds


Soak almonds overnight in a bowl of water in the refrigerator.
Drain the almonds the next day and place in a blender with three cups mineral water.
Blend for 3-4 minutes until completely pulverized.
Pour the mixture through a fine-mesh sieve placed over a beaker, and let drain for a couple of hours in the refrigerator.
You will be left with about 750ml of almond milk in the beaker and and about 1 1/2 cups' worth of powdered almond.
You can spread the almond meal in a tray to dry out and use as you would regular store-bought almond meal; or you could use it up as it is (damp) in oatmeal, or smoothies, or in pancake batter...
As for the almond milk, you can drink it cold or warm, and use it as you would regular milk.

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