Tuesday, October 13, 2020

1457. Date Bread

This "bread" is the depiction of Arabian hospitality and generosity. Laden with saffron, dates, and rosewater, it blows the flour-and-water type of bread out of the park. The surprise doesn't have to end there. For lovers of salty-sweet, you can also stuff the bread with feta cheese. Be sure to bake these breads on your highest shelf because the bottom has a nasty tendency to burn if it is too close to the heat source.


1 cup whole wheat flour
1 cup regular flour
1 cup deseeded dates
2 tsp yeast
2 tsp baking powder
2 Tbsp dry milk
1 Tbsp sugar
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cardamom powder
1 tsp saffron, crushed
1/4 cup oil
feta cheese, optional, for stuffing
1/4 cup date molasses, for brushing


Boil the pitted dates in one cup of water, mashing along until you have a thick puree; allow to cool to room temperature before using.
In a bowl (stand mixer or food processor or manually), mix and knead all the ingredients including the cooled date puree and except for the feta and date molasses.
Knead well the cover and let rise for about an hour.
Divide the dough into 16 and if you choose to stuff with feta cheese do it now.
Place on a non-stick baking sheet and brush to tops with date molasses.
Bake in the highest shelf of your preheated 400F oven for 10-12 minutes.

صحة و عافية

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