Sunday, November 1, 2020

1465. Orange Roast Fish

I always say I wish we ate more fish and seafood. My ideal would be once a week. Unfortunately, the reality is that we have it an average of once to twice a month. With recipes as easy as this one, there is no reason why not to be more inclusive of fish meals at least weekly.
This recipe works with almost any white-fleshed fish. You can choose varying sizes too; either one big fish for a family of four, or individually sized fish for each person. The onion and orange really lend a lot of fragrance to the fish, and there isn't any of that "fishy" smell.


4 individual sized fish
4-6 oranges, sliced thickly
1 onion, sliced
olive oil
salt and pepper


Ask the fishmonger to scale and gut your fish, leaving them whole.
Give the fish a good rinse. Season the fish with salt, pepper, and olive oil inside and out.
Stuff the fish belly with slices of orange and onion. Lay extra slices of orange an onion in a rimmed baking sheet, and lay your fish over it.
Bake 20 minutes in a preheated 400F oven.

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