Tuesday, May 25, 2021

1546. Preserving Palestine's Food Heritage, Part II

There are almost thirty different salads in this second part of the Palestinian food heritage compilation, just to show a snippet of the fertile soil and bounties of the land. 
Never forget: Jerusalem is Muslim. Palestine lives. Israel does not exist. Allah is most great.
Above: Baked Felafel Loaf Sandwiches

Roasted Lemon Chicken Marinated in Garlic Oil


Anonymous said...

As salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakaatuh. Scrolling through this made me cry. Repeating the words Palestine lives, Israel does not exist, made me cry. Looking at the recipes and thinking about how the Yahud destroyed everything made me cry. The only way to not lose hope is to put our trust in Allah the Allmighty. Hopefully His punishment will come soon. Umm Mohammed

Maryam said...

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله اختي ام محمد.
Let them do their worst and never hold back. If we live, we live in faith and our reward is promised and ever growing. If we die, then blessed be that moment. As for them, the best they have to hope for is the current filth they indulge in, just like a pig rolling in his own excrement.
الحمدلله اولا و الحمدلله آخرا و الحمدلله على كل حال.

Anonymous said...

You are so right ukhti ❤️