Sunday, January 16, 2022

1630. Bone Broth

This may not be the prettiest post, but it is a valuable one. Due to circumstances out of our control, our health is increasingly becoming a matter of importance, and blessed is he who wises up to take preventative measures before he is forced to take curative ones. Bone broth is a miracle drink that can boost health in a multitude of ways. 
It has been proven to improve gut health, which is a central foundation for our overall health. Happy gut, happy body. A healthy gut improves immunity, and besides all that, bone broth is rich is natural gelatin and collagen, showing its effects on the skin and hair. The thing with natural medicine is consistency. You cannot drink a mug of bone from for a day and then complain of no results. For natural medicine to work, you need to incorporate it as a part of your daily life. It becomes an integral part of your life style. Me, I prepare this once a week and have found it sustainable to continue. I chose beef bones, for this, but chicken feet are also a great option. Research shows that a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in the broth helps maximize drawing out nutrients from the bones. You can boil anything from 16 hours to even 48. I find 24 hours sufficient for my bone broth.


1 kg beef bones
1/4 cup apple cider vinegar
3 bay leaves
2 tsp salt
1 onion, peeled, halved


Combine all ingredients in a large pot and cover with at least 6 cups of water. Bring to a rigorous boil and skim the scum off the surface. Discard the scum. Lower the heat to low and leave the broth barely simmering for 24 hours. You will have to add water several times during this period, about every 4 to 5 hours. Manage your time during sleep; you might want to refrigerate it and pick up boiling again during the day. After the 24 hours simmering, strain the pot-full of broth in your container and refrigerate immediately. Upon cooling, the fat will solidify (I mostly discard that or reserve for cooking), and the broth will become a gelatin. Drink one mugful every morning on an empty stomach for best results. Keeps no longer than a week refrigerated. If the quantity is more than you will consume in 5-7 days, freeze it.

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