Wednesday, January 26, 2022

1634. PB Honey Power Balls

There was once a little girl who noticed her mother was feeling a little under the weather. She remembered that she had read about how honeybees must travel to more the two million flowers to make just half a kilo of honey. She also remembered reading about the numerous nutritional benefits of honey, and the reading assignment even shared a recipe for a healthy snack sure to invigorate anybody. The extraordinariness of this little girl does not end here. Despite the fact that this little girl has a violent reaction to even just smelling peanut butter, she bravely held her breath, rolled up her sleeves, and made these peanut butter and honey power balls to invigorate her mother. Below is her recipe, exactly as she shared it with me.


1/3 cup honey
1/2 cup peanut butter
1/2 cup powdered milk
2 Tbsp powdered gelatin (optional)
sunflower seeds, raisins, nuts, or whatever else you might want to add


With a wooden spoon, mix the first five ingredients together in a bowl.
Roll the mixture into 2.5 centimeter balls with your hands.
Then roll the balls in the crushed granola.
Eat this crunchy, sweet, sticky snack with toothpicks or your fingers.

صحة و عافية


Anonymous said...

Salam alaikum dear Maryam,

May Allah bless this amazing little girl and her mom :)

Take care!
Umm Mohammed

Maryam said...

و عليكم السلام و رحمة الله اختي ام محمد، اللهم آمين يا رب العالمين، حزاك الله خير.