Tuesday, August 1, 2023

1748. Cheese Olive and Tomato Danish

We have has savory puff pastry confections often enough on MCW, but another one is always welcome. This particular savory danish pastry combines the melodies of cheese, tomato, and olives for a delightful accompaniment to breakfast/brunch/afternoon tea, etc. 
I combined sliced mozzarella, sliced emmentale, and ideally crumbled feta, but was outnumbered in choice. Green olives are better suited than black ones in my opinion for this recipe, but use what you have.


1 sheet puff pastry
slices mozzarella
slices emmentale
crumbled feta
sliced green olives
slices cherry tomatoes
salt and pepper


Cut the sheet of pastry into six equal sized squares. Lay a slice of emmentale cheese over the base, then in the lower left quarter of the square, put come feta crumbles topped with green olives. In the opposite top right quarter, place the sliced tomato, seasoning lightly with salt and pepper. Diagonally, place a slice of mozarella over them together. Fold over the top left corner to the bottom right corner to form a parcel partially exposing the ingredients. Top the exposed pastry with extra shredded emmentale if you have it. Bake in a preheated 420F oven for 25 minutes until puffed and golden. Serve warm or cooled.

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