Thursday, August 17, 2023

1750. Turmeric Ginger Shots

I realize that COVID was over three years ago and the fad of ginger shots has all but died, but there are a million and one other reasons to increase your immunity and maintain your health. 
This recipe uses fresh ginger root and fresh turmeric, which has become somewhat commonly available in supermarkets. I have seen other recipes use powdered turmeric, so there are always options. Since the goal here is health, and not taste, be sure to use the best ingredients you can get. I used raw organic honey, and fresh lemon juice.


250g fresh turmeric
250g fresh ginger
2 lemon, juice
3 Tbsp honey


In a blender, add the chopped ginger and turmeric with 1 to 2 cups of filtered water. Blend for 5 minutes. Strain using a fine mesh sieve into a glass container. Add the lemon juice. Remove about a cup of the resulting liquid and dissolve the honey into it, then return the honeyed liquid to the rest and stir to combine. It is recommended to have one shot of this elixir in the morning. Note that this is not a medical website so consult your physician if necessary.

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