Tuesday, September 8, 2020

1442. {Air Fryer} Sweet Chili Salmon

Asian fusion might not be to everyone's taste, but I absolutely devoured this dish. Technically, it is just three ingredients - salmon, sweet chili sauce, and tobasco - but the squeeze of fresh lemon upon serving is absolutely essential and elevates the dish to a delightful complexity way beyond the sum of its parts.
So while this is an air fryer recipe, you can easily use an oven of it. No previous marination is necessary, making it a great weeknight meal that hits the bill of healthy and filling.


600g salmon fillet, portioned
1/4 cup sweet chili sauce
2-4 tsp hot sauce (per preference)


Make sure your fillets are pinboned and patted completely dry.
Place in your air fryer basket skin side down.
Mix the sweet chili sauce and the hot sauce together, then brush over the salmon fillets, top and sides.
Cook for 12 minutes on the medium-hot setting.

If using an oven, apply the same steps but on a baking sheet, and bake for 12 minutes in a preheated 370F oven.

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