Tuesday, September 29, 2020

1451. White Coffee

White coffee is a famous Lebanese drink that is not coffee at all! It is simply boiling hot water with a teaspoon or two of rose water. Many add sugar as they like it sweet, but I love it as it. It is so floral and feminine; it is like drinking an elixir that perfumes your blood. So soothing and calming, too. I happened to have dried edible rose buds and dropped a couple in there too, but that is optional and not traditional. Why just stop at a tisane? Go ahead and flavor all your drinking water with rose water. Makes for a great touch when serving water to guests, too. Just remember, subtlety is key.


1 cup recently boiled water
2 tsp rose water


Measure the rose water and put in your cup.
Pour over the boiling water and enjoy.

صحة و عافية

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