Thursday, September 10, 2020

1443. Scrambled Eggs with Mushroom Gravy

I woke one weekend in the mood for a special breakfast. Some creative thinking and alternate use of available ingredients later, this scrambled egg with mushroom gravy was born.
At two ingredients, it's not really a mushroom gravy. Dried mushroom (porcini in this case) is simmered in cream for the most decadent and flavorful sauce. I like a soft scramble, meaning cooked low and slow and full of moisture. Sourdough bread was perfection; but use what you have available.

Ingredients: serves 2

2 eggs
1 Tbsp butter
1 Tbsp powdered mushroom
2/3 cup cream
2 slices sourdough bread
salt and pepper


Mix the powdered mushroom into the cream in a saucepan and bring to a light simmer. Season with salt and pepper. Set aside to be reheated just before serving.
Toast the bread; set aside.
Cook the eggs: over medium-low heat, melt the butter. Scramble the eggs in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, and pour in the pan. Using a spatula, scrape the cooked eggs off the base of the pan, continuing until eggs are not wet any longer.
To serve, place the toasted bread on a serving plate, top with the warm eggs, top with the re-heated mushroom sauce and serve immediately.

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