Thursday, September 24, 2020

1449. Cleansing Apple Ginger Juice

I applaud health-conscience people. Taking care of your health before you have to take care of it is a great wisdom many failed at. Most commonly, health degrades as we age, and things don't work as seamlessly as they may have once. Sure, pills solve a lot. But pills were also created to cause other lots, so our best bet lies with Allah's bounty found in nature.
This apple ginger juice is a boost for the immunity and the gut. The majority of conditions are either a direct or indirect result of malfunctions in the gut. The saying "you are what you eat" deserves to have multi-volume books written about it, and probably already has.


2 apples
1 lime
1 knob ginger
1/4 tsp himalyan salt


Dissolve the salt in a tablespoon of water in your juice glass.
Press your lime and add the juice to the glass.
Using a juicing machine, juice the apples and the ginger together.
Add to your glass, stir, and consume immediately.
For best results, consume on an empty stomach in lieu of breakfast.

صحة و عافية 

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