Wednesday, April 19, 2023

1723. Mini Zaatar and Cheese Croissants

These are the savory version to the tiny blueberry croissants published not too long ago. A three-ingredient delight made express in the air fryer. All you need is puff pastry, zaatar, and cream cheese. 
It goes without saying that whatever an airfryer recipe is, it can be adapted accordingly to an oven. The thing about an airfryer, though, is convenience.


puff pastry squares
zaatar paste (zaatar and olive oil)
cream cheese


Cut the puff pastry into strips 10cm wide. Cut the strips into narrow triangles, with a base just wide enough to hold half a teaspoon of filling. Put the filling (either zaatar or cream cheese) at the base then roll up the triangle to form a croissant. Try to pinch the sides to minimize leakage upon baking. Bake at 380F for 12-15 minutes (air fryer) or if using oven: 400F for 20 minutes until puffed and golden. 

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