Sunday, January 10, 2021

1495. Sourdough Crackers

I have been experimenting around with harvesting wild yeast and making sourdough bread. Success in wild yeast harvest, but unfortunately the sourdough bread making is not yet a success. The upside is that the sourdough starter, that which harvests the wild yeast, can be used in many recipes successfully regardless of sourdough bread making. I now find myself feeding the starter and cultivating it just to make varied flavors of these wonderful crackers.Those who have joined MCW for a while now may know just how fond I am of my food processor. Sure enough, it is the perfect tool to make these crackers, saving me on have to perform one of my least favorite actions in the kitchen: kneading dough!


1 cup flour, plus extra
1 cup sourdough discard starter, unfed
4 Tbsp olive oil
1 tsp salt


Combine together flour, sourdough starter, butter or oil, salt, and herbs until in comes together into a ball (I used a food processor).  Cut the dough in four pieces, and refrigerate for a half hour or up to a day.
Set oven temperature to 350F.
Working with one portion of dough at a time, place on a piece of parchment paper.
Flour your surface with the extra flour as needed.
Roll out evenly to about a 1/16 of an inch.
If adding spices and seeds, sprinkle on top of dough and lightly roll the rolling pin over to get them to stick.
Transfer dough and parchment to a baking pan.
Using a pizza cutter or knife score into desired shapes. Prick with fork.
Bake for 15-20 minutes.  Turning pan halfway through baking.
Let cool completely before storing in an airtight container.

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